What I’m reading: Library space(s)

This page details what I’m currently reading in relation to academic library space(s). This bibliography highlights what I consider to be important/interesting papers in the field of space and specifically library spaces.

ACRL (2017) Environmental Scan 2017. Available online: http://www.ala.org/acrl/sites/ala.org.acrl/files/content/publications/whitepapers/EnvironmentalScan2017.pdf [Accessed 14/01/2020].

ACRL (2019) Environmental Scan 2019. Available online: http://www.ala.org/acrl/sites/ala.org.acrl/files/content/publications/whitepapers/EnvironmentalScan2019.pdf [Accessed 14/01/2020].

Ahearne, C. & Cradden, L. (2019) Library Space, Place or State of Mind? An Leabharlann, 28(2), 27-28.

Andrews, C., Downs, A., Morris-Knower, J., Pacion, K. & Wright, S. E. (2016) From ‘library as place’ to ‘library as platform’: Redesigning the 21st century academic library, The future of library space. Advances in Library Administration and OrganizationEmerald Group Publishing Limited, 145-167.

Bennett, S. (2003) Libraries designed for learning [eBook]. Washington, D.C.: Council on Library and Information Resources.

Bennett, S. (2009) Libraries and learning: A history of paradigm change. portal: Libraries and the Academy, 9(2), 181-197.

Blair, S. & Rillo, M. (2016) How to facilitate meetings & workshops using the LEGO Serious Play method.Self published by ProMeet, an independent imprint.

Breeze, M., Taylor, Y. & Costa, C. (eds) (2019) Time and space in the neoliberal university : Futures and fractures in higher education. Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.

Buschman, J. (2017) Doing neoliberal things with words in libraries: Toward emending a discourse fashion in LIS. Journal of Documentation, 73(4), 595-617.

Cox, J. (2018) Positioning the Academic Library within the Institution: A Literature Review. New Review of Academic Librarianship, 24(3/4), 219-243.

Crawford, A. (ed), (2015) The meaning of the library: A cultural history. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.

Davenport, N. (2006) Place as library? EDUCAUSE Review, 41(1), 12-13.

Guthro, C. (2019) The 21st century academic library: Six metaphors for a new age. Library Leadership & Management, 33(2), 1-12.

Harvey, D. (2005) A brief history of neoliberalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Heseltine, R. (2016) A Profile of the University Library. Hull: University of Hull.

Hunter, J. & Cox, A. (2014) Learning over tea! Studying in informal learning spaces. New Library World, 115(1/2), 34-50.

Lefebvre, H. (1991) The production of space. Translated from French by Nicholson-Smith, D. Malden: Wiley-Blackwell.

Lefebvre , H. (2013) Rhythmanalysis: Space, time and everyday life. Translated from French by Moore, G. & Elden, S. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.

Lewis, D. W. (2019) Reimagining the academic library: What to do next. Review article. El Profesional de la Información, 28(1), 1-29.

Mark, L. (2015) Sheppard Robson unwraps £28m revamp of Hull Uni library. Available online: https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/buildings/sheppard-robson-unwraps-28m-revamp-of-hull-uni-library/10000397.article [Accessed 23/01/2019].

Massey, D. (2005) For space. London: SAGE Publications.

Matthews, J. R. (2009) The customer-focused library: Re-inventing the library from the outside-in. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited.

Murray, S. A. P. (2013) The library: An illustrated history. New York: Skyhorse Publishing.

Noh, Y. (2015) Imagining library 4.0: Creating a model for future libraries. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 41(6), 786-797.

Patton, M. Q. (2015) Qualitative research and evaluation methods, 4th edition. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.

Pinfield, S., Cox, A. & Rutter, S. (2017) Mapping the future of academic libraries: A Report for SCONUL. London: SCONUL. Available online: https://sconul.ac.uk/sites/default/files/documents/Mapping%20the%20Future%20of%20Academic%20Libraries%20Final%20proof.pdf [Accessed 16/02/2020].

Priestner, A. (ed), (2018) User experience in libraries yearbook 2018: inclusivity, diversity, belonging. Goxhill, Lincolnshire: UX in Libraries.

Priestner, A. (ed), (2019) User experience in libraries yearbook 2019: designing, prototyping, embedding. Goxhill, Lincolnshire: UX in Libraries.

Priestner, A. & Borg, M. (eds) (2016) User experience in libraries: Applying ethnography and human-centred design. Oxon: Taylor & Francis.

RIBAJ (2015) But where’s the brutalism? Available online: https://www.ribaj.com/buildings/but-where-s-the-brutalism [Accessed 23/01/2019].

Rossiter, A. (2016) Managing relationships between libraries and publishers for greater impact. Insights the UKSG journal, 29(2), 103-110.

Seale, M. (2013) The neoliberal library, in Gregory, L. & Higgins, S. (eds), Information literacy and social justice: Radical professional praxis. Sacramento, CA: Library Juice Press, 39-61.

Sennyey, P., Ross, L. & Mills, C. (2009) Exploring the future of academic libraries: A definitional approach. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 35(3), 252-259.

Storey, C. (2015) Commons consent. Library Management, 36, 570-583.

Wilkin, J. P. (2015) Meanings of the library today, in Crawford, A. (ed), The meaning of the library: A cultural history. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 236-253.