What I’m reading: Decolonisation, inclusive curriculum and learning development

This page details what I’m currently reading in relation to decolonisation and the deconsolidation of the curriculum. It’s important to frame this beyond decolonisation and towards a more inclusive curriculum. As such, this bibliography highlights what I consider to be important/interesting papers in the creation of inclusive curricula and learning development practice.

Alexander, C. & Arday, J. (eds) (2015) Aiming Higher Race: Inequality and Diversity in the Academy. London: Runnymede Perspectives.

Bhopal, K. (2018) White Privilege: The Myth of a Postracial Society. Bristol: Policy Press.

Castello, M. & Donahue, C. (eds) (2012) University Writing: Selves and Texts in Academic Societies. London: Routledge.

Dhillon, S. (2020) Why Neoliberal Universities can’t expect their libraries to facilitate decolonisation, Copyright Licencing Agency Blog for Higher Education. 14/04/2020. Available online: https://cla.co.uk/blog/higher-education/why-neoliberal-universities-cant-expect-their-libraries-to-facilitate-decolonisation.

Lea, M. & Street, B. (2006) The “Academic Literacies” Model: Theory and Applications. Theory into Practice, 45, 368-377.

Lillis, T. M. (2001) Student writing: access, regulation, desire. London: Routledge.

Matasci, D., Jerónimo, M. B. & Dores, H. G. (eds) (2020) Education and Development in Colonial and Postcolonial Africa: Policies, Paradigms, and Entanglements, 1890s–1980s. Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.

Ndlovu-Gatsheni, S. J. (ed), (2018) Epistemic Freedom in Africa: Deprovincialization and Decolonization. Oxon: Taylor & Francis.

Ndlovu-Gatsheni, S. J. (2018) Introduction: Seek Ye Epistemic Freedom Firstnull, in Ndlovu-Gatsheni, S. J. (ed), Epistemic Freedom in Africa: Deprovincialization and Decolonization. Translated from English by. Oxon: Taylor & Francis.

Ndlovu-Gatsheni, S. J. (2018) Rhodes Must Fall, in Ndlovu-Gatsheni, S. J. (ed), Epistemic Freedom in Africa: Deprovincialization and Decolonization. Oxon: Taylor & Francis.

Webster, H. (2021) Decolonising Study Skills and the role of Learning Development, Rattus scholasticus. 22/01/2021. Available online: https://rattusscholasticus.wordpress.com/2021/01/22/decolonising-study-skills-and-the-role-of-learning-development/.