What I’m reading: Academic literacies

This page details what I’m currently reading in relation to academic literacies. This bibliography highlights what I consider to be important/interesting papers in learning development and higher education theory.

Charles, E. (2019) Decolonizing the Curriculum. Insights: the UKSG journal, 32(1).

Cotton, D., Winter, J. & Bailey, I. (2013) Researching the hidden curriculum: intentional and unintended messages. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 37(2), 192-203.

Lea, M. & Street, B. (1998) Student writing in higher education: An academic literacies approach. Studies in Higher Education, 23(2), 157-172.

Lea, M. & Street, B. (2006) The “Academic Literacies” Model: Theory and Applications. Theory into Practice, 45, 368-377.

Mountford-Zimdars, A., Sanders, J., Moore, J., Sabri, D., Jones, S. & Higham, L. (2017) What can universities do to support all their students to progress successfully throughout their time at university? Perspectives: Policy & Practice in Higher Education, 21(2/3), 101-110.

Webster, H. (2019) Emancipatory practice: the defining LD value?, rattus scholasticus. 4/2/2019. Available online: https://rattusscholasticus.wordpress.com/2019/02/04/emancipatory-practice-the-defining-ld-value/.

Webster, H. (2019) Teaching Study Skills = Learning Development?, rattus scholasticus. 20/10/2019. Available online: https://rattusscholasticus.wordpress.com/2019/10/20/teaching-study-skills-learning-development/.