PCAP – Reference list

Reference list for poster

Vallis, C. (2021) Designing workshops to be sociable rather than remote. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Patton, M. Q. (2015) Qualitative research and evaluation methods, 4th edition. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.

Whitchurch, C. (2008) Shifting Identities and Blurring Boundaries: the Emergence of Third Space Professionals in UK Higher Education. Higher Education Quarterly, 62(4), 377-396.

Saldana, J. (2021) The coding manual for qualitative researchers, 4th edition. London: SAGE Publications.

Hodges, C., Moore, S., Lockee, B., Trust, T. & Bond, A. (2020) The difference between emergency remote teaching and online learning. Educause Review, 27, 1-12.

Fallin, L. (2019) Using NVivo in your research, in Opie, C. & Brown, D. (eds), Getting started in your educational research: Design, data production and analysis. London: SAGE Publications, 243-274.

Bibliography of theory-based approaches

Communities of Practice

Wenger, E. (1998) Communities of practice: learning, meaning, and identity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Constructive Alignment

Biggs, J. B., Tang, C. S.-k. & Society for Research into Higher, E. (2011) Teaching for quality learning at university: what the student does, 4th edition. Maidenhead: Open University Press.

Universal Design for Learning

CAST (2018) Universal Design for Learning Guidelines [Version 2.2]. Available online: http://udlguidelines.cast.org (Accessed: 04/12/2022).

Conversational Framework

Laurillard, D. (2002) Rethinking university teaching: a conversational framework for the effective use of learning technologies, 2nd edition. London: RoutledgeFalmer.

Four Lenses of Reflective

Brookfield, S. (2017) Becoming a critically reflective teacher, 2nd edition. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Community of Inquiry

Garrison, D. R. (2009) Communities of inquiry in online learning, in Rogers, P., Berg, G., Boettcher, J., Howard, C., Justice, L. and Schenk, K. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Distance Learning, 2nd endition. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 352-355.

Critical pedagogy

Freire, P. (2000) Pedagogy of the oppressed, 30th-anniversary edition. New York: Continuum.

Pedagogy of care

Bali, M. (2020) Pedagogy of care: Covid-19 edition, Reflecting Allowed, Maha Bali’s blog about education [blog]. Available online: https://blog.mahabali.me/educationaltechnology-2/pedagogy-of-care-covid-19-edition/ (Accessed: 04/12/2022).

Threshold concepts

Meyer, J. & Land, R. (2006) Overcoming barriers to student understanding: threshold concepts and troublesome knowledge. London: Routledge.


Piaget, J. (1962) Play, dreams, and imitation in childhood. New York: WW Norton.

Piaget, J. (1973) Main trends in psychology. London: Allen and Unwin.

Vygotsky, L. S. (1978) Mind in Society: the development of higher psychological processes. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press.

Bibliography of articles included in the analysis

Abegglen, S. & Neuhaus, F. (2021) TALON: Shaping the future of online education through connectivity. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Akhtar, F. (2021) Honouring loved ones who have passed: bringing grief into the pedagogical frame during the pandemic. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Ali, A. (2021) Using Padlet as a Pedagogical Tool. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Andrews, J. (2021) Transition online: challenges and achievements. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Aston, S., Stevenson, M. & Inala, P. (2021) Facilitating connections and supporting a learning community: together. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Bancroft, R., Pearce, R., Challen, R., Jeckells, D. & Kenney, J. (2021) Locating opportunities for building digital confidence in staff. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Barker, H. & Walsha, R. (2021) Pandemic perceptions: redefining the presence and value of one-to-one interactions and learning development in troublesome times. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Becker, L. (2021) How my failure to read a play helped my students develop their learning. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Bickle, D. E., Allen, D. S. & Mayer, D. M. (2021) The use of virtual drop-in sessions during Covid-19 as a means to increase engagement with learning development. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Bohlmann, J. & Ross, M. (2021) Building a study community through podcasts during Covid-19. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Bowskill, N. W. D., Hall, D., Hutchinson, L. & Harrogate, M. (2021) When online student numbers double during a pandemic. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Brown, C. (2021) Building relationships in the ‘cyber abyss’: learning from engagement failures. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Buckley, C. (2021) Performing community: an online tea break as a radical act. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Calleja, J. & Bishopp-Martin, S. (2021) Learning to learn online: creating an open-access learning development platform. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Cerimagic, S. (2021) There is nothing like a pandemic – to force rapid change and upskilling in higher education. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Cerimagic, S. & Hasan, M. R. (2021) A holistic approach to authentic and engaging assessment during the Covid-19 pandemic: an Australian case study. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Chittenden, C., Dinh, P., Hawkins, B., Freathy, R. & Vukusic, P. (2021) A partnership approach to pandemic policy: building student confidence in the wake of Covid-19. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Clark, K., Jarvis, J. & Yip, A. (2021) Powerful conversation for learning. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Clarke, J. (2021) Object handling workshops in an online teaching environment. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Collins, V. & Blackett, S. (2021) How it adds up: dual reflections on the online engagement of one cohort of accounting students. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Compton, M. (2021) Sell them what they want; give them what they need: managing tensions and competing expectations in live online lecturer development workshops. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Corradi, H. R. (2021) Does Zoom allow for efficient and meaningful group work? Translating staff development for online delivery during Covid-19. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Dampier, G. (2021) Adapt and thrive: student engagement on a Business and Economics Foundation Year programme during Covid-19. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Davidson, K. (2021) Google Earth as a resource for remote teaching: an application to crime scene investigation. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Davies, J. & Davies, L. (2021a) Lessons from a virtual field trip: Adapting explorative and immersive learning pedagogy. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Davies, L. & Davies, J. (2021b) The CHAMELEON approach to change: adapting to new educational conditions. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Davison, E. (2021) Building a learning community through collaborative, online assessment preparation. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Desire, J., Burns, T., Sinfield, S. & Gordon, J. (2021) The apron challenge: embodied and creative learning online and at a distance. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Dukhan, S. (2021a) Maintaining quality assessment practices under emergency remote online conditions. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Dukhan, S. (2021b) Teaching and learning under emergency remote, online conditions: ‘Let’s Connect’ with our students. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Eigeartaigh, A. N. (2021) Teaching the literature of the sixteenth-century plague during the Covid-19 pandemic. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Enstone, Z. (2021) Blended learning opportunities: skills for working with primary sources. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Fallin, L. (2021a) Developing online content to support students: the Remote Learning SkillsGuide. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education(22).

Fallin, L. (2021b) Teaching academic software via YouTube videos in the Covid- 19 pandemic: potential applications for learning development The challenge. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education(22).

Fedtke, J. (2021) Pandemic promenadology: walking for wellbeing in academic life. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Fromm, A., Adigun-Lawal, B., Akinmoju, S., Onyenucheya, N., Otchere, F. & Udeh, V. (2021) MSc student voices about learning together in an online academic conversation club: a collaborative student project. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Garner, I. & Heggie, L. (2021) Putting community first: supporting (a)synchronous interaction and belonging in online learning. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Gill-Simmen, L. (2021) Get me outta here! Motivating online learners with digital escape rooms. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Gilmour, A. (2021) Adopting a pedagogy of kindness. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Gilmour, A. & Garcia, I. B. (2021) The challenges of copyright education and the Covid-19 pandemic as a catalyst for change. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Golechkova, T. (2021) Moving an English course online in four days: better safe. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Grayson, N. (2021) Section Editorial: Responding to the needs of doctoral researchers. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Grayson, N. & Theis, A. (2021) Adapting community-focused writing support for researchers to synchronous online delivery. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Gribble, L. & Wardrop, J. (2021) Learning by engaging: connecting with our students to keep them active and attentive in online classes. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Hanson, C. & Liepins, A. (2021) Remote learning might be new, but how we can learn best is not. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Harris, L. & Dyer, S. (2021) Co-creating quality: moving HE forwards in partnership with students. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Hasan, R. & Cerimagic, S. (2021) Authentic assessment during COVID-19: an Australian postgraduate computing degree program example. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Holley, D., Quinney, A. & Moran, J. (2021) Building a values-based community of practice in Nursing Sciences during the Covid-19 pandemic. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Hooley, Z., Forster, E. & Browne, A. (2021) Engaging students in online workshops Using Articulate Rise. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Hopkins, S. & Surendran, S. (2021) Challenges and serendipities: group working under conditions of social distancing and dual modes of delivery. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Jabri, A. (2021) The challenge of maintaining doctoral student well-being during Covid-19 confinement. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education (2021) Special Edition, Compendium of Innovative Practice: Learning Development in a Time of Disruption. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education(22).

Judd-Yelland, A. (2021) An alternative to clapping for the NHS: online support for NHS placement students. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Keenan, C. & Manolchev, C. (2021) ‘Hacking’ the pandemic: turning online work challenges into learning with IMPACT. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Kenny, K. (2021) Establishing a digital tutoring hub to support students in a virtual space. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Keshishi, N. (2021) Playful reflective thinking in a HyFlex classroom: using nostalgic games to engage students. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Kimberley, J., Matthews, C., Smith, V. & Leech, J. (2021) Video feedback in English for Academic Purposes: building connections with international students while learning online. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Koristashevskaya, E. & Purcell, S. (2021) Pivoting PGT dissertation provision for online learning: our response, reflections, and recommendations. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Kotula, J. & Beaumont, K. (2021) We’re all in the same boat: humanising teaching and learning experiences as a way to achieve engaging and interactive online provision. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Kuepper-Tetzel, C. & Nordmann, E. (2021) Watch party lectures: synchronous delivery of asynchronous material. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Leberecht, V. (2021) Home alone? Creating accessible, meaningful online learning spaces to teach academic writing to doctoral students. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Li, W. (2021) Keep calm and carry on with small tweaks: teamwork in the pandemic. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Lucas, I. & Chapman, A. (2021) Storyboarding and suggestopedia for curriculum re-design. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Luke Lu Chang, P., Cerimagic, S. & Conejos, S. (2021) Challenges of running online exams and preventing academic dishonesty during the Covid-19 pandemic. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Malone, C. (2021a) Section Editorial: Supporting institutional change. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Malone, C. (2021b) Section Editorial: Supporting staff through change. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Malone, C. (2021c) Section Editorial: Using technology to enhance online learning. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

McDonald, C. & Parry, R. (2021) Working in partnership to deliver a skills course to social work apprentices: avoiding technological determinism. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

McMenamin, J. & Rudolf von Rohr, M.-T. (2021) Private online channels and student-centred interaction. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Merry, K. (2021) Instructional design for live online teaching: using mnemonics to support a UDL-centred approach. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Mesley, M. (2021) Facilitating informal spaces and discussions in the online environment (not always) about assessments. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Morrison, K., West, S. & Hogg, K. (2021) Maintaining a clinical learning environment for medical students during a pandemic. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Morrissey, S. & Savage, K. (2021) Reconceptualising Learning and Teaching staff development at Strathclyde: supplementing formal provision with informal spaces. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Ndlovu, N. (2021) A personal reflection on doctoral student progression during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Nolan, J. & Jamieson, H. (2021) Pivoting academic skills support online: a critical reflection on practice. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

O’Dea, X. (2021) Providing Business school students with online social networking opportunities during remote learning. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

O’Kane, P. (2021a) Lectures in lockdown: trying to rescue the lecture as event. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

O’Kane, P. (2021b) Small worlds and short stories: play, pleasure and imagination deployed as a salve to isolated learning. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Ogamba, I. (2021) Rapid re-design of a postgraduate taught module for asynchronous delivery on the FutureLearn platform. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Oncevska Ager, E. (2021) Facilitating student engagement in online discussions through self-organisation. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Pigato, G. (2021) Moving Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (LTHE) online: can we have the cake and eat it too? Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Plews, R., Sweet, M., Sudbury, L., Malan, W., Waterbury, C., Savage, J., Provensal, E., Rose-Sinclair, K. & Chavez, M. (2021) From emergency remote teaching to hybrid NUflex: a collaborative approach to developing faculty into learning designers. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Prickett, S. (2021) Learning to stream and streaming to learn. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Rafferty, C. & Matthews, K. (2021) Connecting during times of disconnection: student-teacher partnerships in co-designing online education. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Rakedzon, T. (2021) Teaching writing online: technology means more writing, more interactivity. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Razeed, A., Norman, P. & Gurney, K. (2021) Providing affective and supportive video feedback in a multidisciplinary unit during the pandemic. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Read, A. (2021) A reflection on students’ Self-Regulated Learning and the role of the academic skills advisor during Covid-19. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Roberts, E. (2021) Community-building through collaborative peer-generated formative assessment: enhancing attainment and assessment literacy. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Rossi, V. (2021) Just-in-time pandemic CPD using short screencast videos. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Savage, K. & Morrissey, S. (2021) Keeping well, teaching well: supporting staff wellbeing. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Sedghi, G. (2021a) Section Editorial: Adapting assessment and feedback strategies. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Sedghi, G. (2021b) Section Editorial: Adapting core features of learning development: skills and writing support. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Sedghi, G. (2021c) Section Editorial: Fostering student engagement. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Sedghi, G. (2021d) Section Editorial: Students as partners in course delivery. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Shaffer, D. & Brecher, D. (2021) Inwards, together: an inner-resourcing U-turn. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Slattery, D. (2021) Transitioning from emergency remote teaching to quality online delivery: an Irish professional development perspective. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Smith, K. (2021) Contact, connection, and communication: online community building on a professional doctorate. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Stetson-Tiligadas, S. & Mandalios, J. (2021) Challenges, chances and a café: connecting with refugee English language learners. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Symons, K. (2021) ‘Can you hear me? Are you there?’: student engagement in an online environment. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Syska, A. (2021a) Compendium of Innovative Practice: Learning Development in a Time of Disruption. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Syska, A. (2021b) Compendium of Innovative Practice: Learning Development in a Time of Disruption: Editorial. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Syska, A. (2021c) Section Editorial: Embodied learning in an online world. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Syska, A. (2021d) Section Editorial: Innovations in teaching and course delivery. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Syska, A. (2021e) Section Editorial: Prioritising wellbeing through community and connection. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Syska, A. (2021f) When the flipped classroom disappoints: engaging students with asynchronous learning. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Syska, A. & Mesley, M. (2021) Keep Learning in a pandemic: podcasts for learning development conversations and informal learning. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Timmins, C. (2021) Moving hands-on anatomy teaching online: a reflection on creative solutions. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Tinnion, D., Simpson, T. & Finlay, M. (2021) Face-to-face teaching changed too! Perspectives on the transition from large to small group teaching and learning from graduate teaching assistants. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Todd, A. (2021) Democracy in action: students as design partners. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Tomczak, J. & Bel, E. (2021) A conversational framework for learning design (in adverse times). Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Vallis, C. (2021) Designing workshops to be sociable rather than remote. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Varsou, O. & Welsh, M. (2021) Simulating cadaveric dissection with virtual resources during Covid-19 in an undergraduate Anatomy Science programme. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Wardak, D., Razeed, A., Thogersen, J. & Guerry, E. (2021a) Collaborating on a creative solution to teach creativity to Business students. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Wardak, D., Zeivots, S. & Cram, A. (2021b) CLaS light touch project: scaling up educational co-design process. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

White, A., Chapman, A. & Lucas, I. (2021) Digital capabilities: From niche to normal. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).

Zeivots, S. & Shalavin, C. (2021) Hybrid teaching workshops: upskilling educators to deliver hybrid classes. Journal of learning development in higher education(22).